Essen mit Freude

Pizza, Pasteten & Snäcks

Titel: making pizza (from scratch) and freezing too!
Hi all,

I've made 2 attempts at making pizza. Neither were great. Topping is no problem - but I can't get the base right. The recipe I use is more or less, seive strong white flour and fast action yeast, and add olive oil and water. I leave it to prove for 40 mins then knead and roll. The first time, I didn't roll out the dough enough and made them too small and fat, so they were too doughy. I tried again on Friday, and discovered you can really stretch the dough (I'm a novice with dough and yeast!) so I made them bigger but they were still too doughy. My rolling pin is gone awol, so I'm using a glass and could probably stretch the dough even thinner with a rolling pin. Would that make a difference? Also, I cook them on an ordinary baking tray - is there a specific pizza tray that would cook them more crispily?

And last question - freezing: If you freeze, at what stage do you do it? I wanted to freeze one, but wasn't sure if I should cook it first complete with topping, or make base, roll out and freeze immediately? then take out of freezer, put on topping and cook?

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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JesseVoss - 21.07.2018 - 09:21